Graham, Tom and Ian

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Pride in Cheadle awards – coming soon

by Lib Dem team on 16 October, 2010

At our Cheadle Area Committee on Tuesday, councillors voted to have a “Pride in Cheadle” awards next year (including Gatley and Heald Green – the name may be changed a little, though what to call our area without it getting too wordy has always been a challenge).

We will be asking for nominations in a number of categories including Contribution to Sport, Environment Champion, Most Neighbourly Resident and Young Volunteer of the Year, with an awards ceremony.

The likely timetable will be that we’ll advertise it in the new year with the awards ceremony in May or June.


2 Responses

  1. Alan Smith says:

    What do you mean by the word PRIDE. I do not hope it means the same as it does in MANCHESTER.Oriana

  2. Garry says:

    I’m sure the councillor means pride in the village you live in and not the lifestyle you lead and what if it was Pride as in Manchester? at least that community has pride!! As a life long resident of Cheadle who’s mother was born in the house I live in and who’s family have been residents of the village for over a hundred years I think it’s about time we had pride in our village, I also think it’s time people realised that Cheadle consists of more than the high street and a few terrace workers houses ( former slums) behind the church and the outsiders who have moved to the village stop meddling in it’s day to day life, it’s these people who complain about any development and it’s these people who have no pride in the village only a concern for their house values!!

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