Graham, Tom and Ian

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Improvements at Gatley Road/Church Road junction

by Lib Dem team on 17 November, 2010

Update: due to congestion issues yesterday and concerns of local shopkeepers, the work has been postponed to January.

You’ll see work has started on improving the Church Road/Gatley Road junction. This is not to put in traffic lights – I’ve heard the rumour, but it’s not true. If and when we do put traffic lights on the junction, it will need a lot more consultation and work.

This is more of an incremental improvement to make it a little safer and, as its in the heart of Gatley – looking better too.

Here’s the letter from the Council with the details.

Gatley Road/Church Road crossing improvements


3 Responses

  1. John Hartley says:

    Re the traffic lights – one can only live in hope this important safety improvement will happen eventually. Situation remains “iffy” for both pedestrians trying to cross Church Road,as well as drivers trying to turn right from Church. Must be at least 20 years ago when I first heard it mooted.

  2. Lucas says:

    Was there a need to change the pelican crossing? You push the button, the lights change, and you cross the road. Seemed to work.

    I agree with John – it’s trying to cross Church Road there that’s the dangerous bit.

  3. iainroberts says:

    Hi Lucas,

    I think this is a general upgrade across Greater Manchester to crossings that were getting pretty old. The pelican crossings do work – as long as you’re not an elderly person who makes it half way across before they turn green, or a driver sitting at a red light with no-one crossing.

    I agree with you about the Church Road junction – although it’s lot more complicated to sort out and get agreement on, we hope to make small improvements as part of this work and tackle it more significantly when we’re able.

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