Graham, Tom and Ian

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The good and the bad of campaigning in Oldham East & Saddleworth

by Lib Dem team on 23 November, 2010

As a good Lib Dem, I’ve been spending some time in Oldham East & Saddleworth.

Their former Labour MP, Phil Woolas, was found guilty of lying about his opponent in the election.  It was the first time it had happened in almost a century, and as a result Woolas is no longer an MP and not even allowed to vote for three years.

Back in May, Lib Dem candidate Elwyn Watkins was just 103 votes behind Woolas so the Lib Dems are hoping to capture the seat when there’s  a by-election.

It’s one of the most rural parts of Greater Manchester.

On the plus side, you get views like this one across Manchester, and others across the peaks.

Saddleworth view

On the downside, I found myself delivering to rather to many houses with steps like these up to the front door.

Saddleworth steps


4 Responses

  1. Robert Taggart says:

    As a ‘good’ (!) councillor you should be spending all your time working for us ! How about some more litter picking ?

  2. iainroberts says:

    I hope I’m allowed a little time of my own, Robert 🙂

  3. Robert Taggart says:

    Indeed – time at home !

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