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Stockport’s best ever GCSE and Key Stage 5 results

by Lib Dem team on 13 January, 2011

From Stockport council:


It was another record breaking year in Stockport following the Government’s official publication today (12th January) of the 2010 GCSE and A Level results.

The percentage of 16 year olds gaining five or more passes at A*- C grades including English and Maths is 61.9 % – the highest percentage ever recorded in Stockport since this new category of results became the national standard four years ago.

This represents a 6.7 % point increase when directly compared with 2009 and the biggest year-on-year increase since the introduction of this school performance measure in 2006.

At the end of Key Stage 5 (18-19 year olds), students attained an average point score for A level and equivalent level 3 qualifications of 745.9, an increase of 9.9 points from 2009. The average point score per student provides a measure of the average number of A level equivalents studied and the grades achieved. The more qualifications gained by a student and the higher the grades achieved, the higher the average point score per student.

Councillor Mark Weldon, Executive Member for Children & Young People, said: “Stockport pupils again excelled and achieved fantastic and record breaking GCSE results in the national standard for 16 year olds. Stockport’s 18 and 19 year olds also improved their achievement from the previous year and achieved excellent results which are above the national average. I would like to congratulate all these young people on their tremendous efforts.

“I would also like to publicly acknowledge the very strong partnership of teachers, schools, colleges, governors, parents and the Council which has contributed to our continued success and consistently improving results.”

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