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Work to start on Cheadle’s Warwick Mall

by Lib Dem team on 21 January, 2011

Warwick Mall, Cheadle

Work is planned to start soon on the redevelopment of Cheadle’s Warwick Mall site (pictured).Back in 2009, the site gained planning permission to be rebuilt as a three-storey building with a retail unit on the ground floor and fourteen flats on the first and second floors. You can see the planning permission here for details (it was before my time on the Council).

The developers have put in an application for minor changes (which is fairly normal – small aspects do change as plans are developed) – you can see this new application here. This includes the latest drawings and plans for the site.

Work on the site – demolishing Warwick Mall and building the new three-storey building – is due to start soon and last for approximately 12 months.

During that time, the builders will need to use an area of the car park, which means some spaces being temporarily lost and disabled spaces being relocated. The developers will be paying the Council for their use of the car park, covering any changes that are made and lost revenue from parking spaces.


6 Responses

  1. Garry says:

    my only concerns are the parking for fourteen flats, will this be on the site or will the new ocupants have to purchase permits to park on the car park at the rear? also accsess to the car park will this be removed to a dark side ally near the abandoned toilets and massie street?

  2. iainroberts says:

    Hi Garry,

    I’ve gone back tot he original planning permission which says

    “No parking space will be provided for the apartments and it is considered that it would be unreasonable to oppose a residential development in a District Centre location which does not afford dedicated car parking space as the site is in a sustainable location and has good opportunities for residents to make use of alternative travel modes. If residents need to possess a vehicle they have an opportunity to park within the Council controlled car park. To encourage residents to reside without a car however it will be appropriate to secure, under the terms of a S106 agreement, the provision of a cycle and GMPTE Travel Card for each household. This has been delivered as part of similar scale residential developments within District Centre locations around the Borough and any permission. Travel plans for both the retail and residential elements will also be secured by condition and reviewed on an annual basis.”

    On access, I think it will be via one side or the other (the alleyway or Massie Street) whilst construction is in progress, but there’s something in the planning application saying the applicants have agreed to maintain a route from front to back in the retail unit so people can walk through the store to get to and from the car park.

  3. Alan Gent says:

    Iain, do you know who or what the retail unit will consist of?

  4. iainroberts says:

    Hi Alan, I don’t know which retailer is going to move in.

  5. andrew t jones says:

    the store is set up to be one of them new waitrose convenience stores, they just opened one in spiningfields manchester. lease has been signed with the owner of warwick mall, nice of the council and stores to keep us all in the loop with what’s happening in our village. good look tesco with the competition.

  6. Jacqueline Devereux says:

    With reference to a previous comment made by Garry, is anything going to be done about the abandoned toilets in the carpark which would provide extra disabled / parking spaces if demolished. My office looks over them and people are using the alleyway, my office back door and parking area to urinate.

    It is has not bemome a health hazard due to the rats and an eyesore.

    I await your response.

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