Graham, Tom and Ian

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Schoolchild knocked down on Schools Hill, Cheadle

by Lib Dem team on 17 March, 2011

Pam and I have been informed of an accident on Schools Hill, Cheadle where a child was hit by a car whilst crossing the road at the zebra crossing.

The zebra crossing was put in relatively recently (a few years ago) after work by Pam and has improved safety on the road, but cars do still come down Schools Hill to quickly on a regular basis.  In the last year we’ve also had additional speed signs put up and the lines on the road re-painted.  On this occasion, that clearly wasn’t enough to prevent an accident.

We’ve asked Council officers to see if there’s a sensible way to make the crossing safer.


8 Responses

  1. Barbara Lewis says:

    I’m sorry to hear about the child being hit: but this accident comes as no surprise.
    A significant proportion of cars coming down(and up)Schools Hill have no intention of stopping at the zebra crossing for pedestrians. I assume that they do not know their Highway Code.
    I’d like to start the lobby again for come traffic calming measures just further up Schools Hill: some ‘bumpy’ lines painted accross the road, together with an illuminated sign flashing ‘slow down to 30′(or something like this) might be helpful, and good use of Council money.

  2. I also experience anxiety when I cross at the zebra crossing – even if a car stops on one side I tend to wait till it’s either clear from the other, or cars from that direction stop as well.
    I think the rumble road strips might help.
    I am against bumps/humps. If you read the motoring pages in week end newspapers they cause a lot of damage to vehicles. Also a friend on Delamere Road had damage caused to her possesssions by vibration caused from cars negotiating bumps outside her house.

  3. KAREN says:

    I am sorry to hear of this accident involving a child,
    Could a crossing with lights be put there? IE: Puffin or Pelican,Cars come down from the Roundabout to fast & dont know there is a crossing, My friend & i waited the other day 5 mins before both set’s of Traffic stopped.

  4. Hazel Illingworth says:

    I am also sorry to hear about this accident but as a local resident this comes as no surprise. The traffic on Schools Hill and the surrounding roads e.g. Daylesford Road and Daylesford Cres is quite dangerous at times with cars speedy and bad parking at school pick up time. On another point I have seen cars not stop on Schools Hill when the Lollipop Man is standing with his sign in the middle of the road!

  5. jennifer cohen says:

    I agree with all the other remarks, and the idea of ‘rumble strips’ is an excellent one.

    With reference to the comments about the’lollipop-man’, I have noticed that he seems to stop for every single pedestrian and quite often ‘holds up’ the traffic because someone is running to cross the road and he doesn’t want the pedestrian to wait.

  6. Alec says:

    Is there now a case for making a section of Schools Hill, around the School and crossing, 20mph at ALL times

  7. Bryan Horstmann says:

    On Gatley Road near Wensley Road, the provision of a refuge has controlled the traffic, reducing the accidents on the bend, and making turning into Wensley easier. On Schools Hill, a refuge and narrowing where there is a wide pavement towards A34 might well control the speed coming down that way, and perhaps the crossing should be moved to there. Personally I find rumble strips a distraction from my driving.

  8. Estelle Weiner says:

    I understand the point about the refuge but unforunately people are lazy and won’t walk to the crossing place. The present position is at the gates of Bruntwood Park – move it elswhere and people will just dash across the road, by the gates, to go in to the park.
    Other than rumble strips as warnings, I saw the other day a sort of elongated pyramid style white areas from the kerb to the middle of the road on eith side of a crossing.

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