Graham, Tom and Ian

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Grids stolen in Cheadle

by Lib Dem team on 21 March, 2011

You might have read in the papers about grids being stolen around Stockport – for their scrap value. Where they’re stolen, the Council is replacing them with non-metal grids which have no resale value but at £200 a time, the costs are still mounting.

Now we’ve spotted grids stolen in Cheadle. Two on The Downs had already been reported, and Pam spotted more on Schools Hill (opposite 76, near South View Gardens), Daylesford Road and Daylesford Close. Pam’s reported them – they should be made safe quickly (e.g. with a traffic cone put in) and then a replacement grid put in before long.


3 Responses

  1. Estelle Weiner says:

    I noticed them replacing one on Brackenwood Drive this week. I did wonder whether it might be feasible to change over to those kerbstones with holes along the gutter edge?
    And, the cryptic below is quite hard to read but here goes!

  2. Steve Jackson says:

    Here’s an idea, beat the crims at their own game. Since it seems inevitable that thieves will get all the metal grids and the Council will have to replace them at full cost. Why not replace all grids in a thief targetted area with non-metal type and the Council get the scrap value for the grids they have removed.

  3. nigel martin says:

    Hi Ian,
    If you could only get the thieves to pinch the rubish down the drains on gatley road to Cheadle it would save the Council heaps, as it will soon be time to cut the grass growing on them again this year. There are Tens blocked again from the A34 to Cheadle and into Gatley!

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