Graham, Tom and Ian

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Can you spot unneeded signs?

by Lib Dem team on 10 April, 2011

Stockport Council has a policy to de-clutter our roads of signs we don’t need, but we need your help to spot them all.

A typical example is a sign to something that no longer exists – an old club or building, or those “new junction ahead” type signs still there two years after the junction changes have been put in.

If you can let us know about any you spot around the area, Pam and I will ask the Council to remove them.


3 Responses

  1. Bob says:

    Shiers Drive, Cheadle.
    There are Two identical carpark signs at the entrance to the far carpark opp. the Leisure centre, also at the same spot, the bottle bank signs, which are no longer there, and the ‘in’ and ‘no entry’ signs to the Leisure centre carpark are not needed, because most motorists ignore them anyway.

  2. richard horsnell says:

    1. Gatley squash club (styal road) no longer a squash club!
    2. There is a ‘no entry’ sign at the junction of Brownlry road and Altrincham Road, seen as you approach the junction from Benchill. The ‘No Entry’ sign blocks the red light at the junction. The light on the left hand side of the road can be obscured by high vehicles (bus/lorry) and with the second set of lights on green, many motorists don’t spot the red until they have passed the no entry sign and often have to take evasive action. I reported this as a hazard to Manshester CC some years ago to no avail. Maybe you can get a better result.

  3. richard horsnell says:

    Iain, this weekend I spotted the following:-

    Southbound on the A34 at Nether Alderley junction with the A537, recent road improvements have included for a change of priority at the road junction.

    The situation now allows for a dedicated left hand turn lane and ahead and right turn traffic sharing the same lane. The consequence of this shambles is that people start queuing in the the appropriate lane then get fed up and bail out into the free from traffic left turn lane. Are you able to do anything about this? I suggested the left hand land is ahead and left turn to improve traffic flow.

    kind regards

    Richard (Member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM)

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