Graham, Tom and Ian

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Crime figures for Greater Manchester

by Lib Dem team on 16 April, 2011

The last year saw crime across Stockport fall by nearly 20%, but across Greater Manchester there was a significant fall too.

Comparing April 2009 to March 2010 with April 2010 to March 2011:

Total crime has dropped from 247,574 to 227,855, a drop of eight per cent, meaning 19,719 less victims of crime

There have been 54,000 less reported incidents of anti-social behaviour.

There has been 7,400 fewer victims of vehicle crime

The number of domestic burglaries has dropped by more than 1,700

There have been nearly 1,400 more detected crimes

The number of robberies has dropped to just under 4,900, compared to more than 6,000 the previous year and nearly 7,700 in 2006/07.

The Force has hit seven of its ten targets set by the GMPA, which include reducing both incidents and perceptions of anti-social behaviour, reducing vehicle crime and improving detection rates for domestic abuse, racially or religiously aggravated offences, burglaries and vehicle crime.

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