Graham, Tom and Ian

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A stroll along the Stockport Market Mile

by Lib Dem team on 10 May, 2011

“A stroll along the Market Mile” is a free exhibition at the excellent Stockport Story Museum running until 30th October 2011.

Take a closer look at some of the most distinguished addresses on Stockport Market’s Mile and discover how the area was transformed from a medieval place of trade to a shopping haven for high society Georgian ladies and gentlemen of the 1800s.  Learn how the businesses surrounding the Market Place used high quality products and fabulous customer service to cater to the more discerning ladies and gentlemen.

The exhibition is FREE to enter.

Stockport Story Museum is open Tuesday to Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 11am-5pm.  For more information call 0161 480 1924 or visit the Stockport Story website.


2 Responses

  1. Dave Cook says:

    Oneself does better than simply stroll the market-place… one buys !
    “Businesses surrounding the Market Place…” alas, besides a certain leather-goods shop – things are not what they used to be. What are you councillors doing to resolve this shortcoming ?

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Dave – yes, a great deal of effort has been and is being put into to improving the area, including the refurbishment of the covered Market Hall followed by lots of promotion and activity around the market’s 750th anniversary last year.

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