Graham, Tom and Ian

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Gatley anti-social behaviour update

by Lib Dem team on 2 June, 2011

Pam and I have been speaking to quite a few of the people who had problems with anti-social behaviour around Gatley village centre over the last few months and the message we’re getting back is that things are much better – for now at least.

We were having issues with groups of young people throwing fruit or stones at windows, particularly around Oakwood Avenue, Beech Avenue and Elm Road.

The Police have been working hard to resolve the problems, evidently with some success.

However, there may well be issues we’ve missed and, of course, these problems do tend to come and go.  Please let us – and the police – know if you encounter any anti-social behaviour, vandalism etc.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Dave Cook says:

    The problem feels like it has only been moved on… to Hawthorn Road. Several stone throwing incidents recently – including one broken window.
    Who are the culprits ?
    The obvious answer be the delinquents who throw, but, what about the delinquents who provide the ammo’ in the first place ?… the homeowners with gravel/chipped slate covered driveways !
    All to often this stuff spills out onto the pavement/road, yet those whose stuff this be do nothing to sweep it up. Are there laws/by-laws to compell them ? Can they be fined ?

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