Graham, Tom and Ian

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Local Link: from your house to the shops or station

by Lib Dem team on 6 July, 2011

Did you know that, if you live between the railway line and Kingsway in Gatley, there’s a service that will pick you up from your house and take you to Gatley or Heald Green village centres – to use buses, trains or shops – and then take you back again afterwards.

It’s called Local Link.  You need to book in advance, then you get picked up from your house.

You can book by calling 08456 05 55 05 and ask for Local Link, 8am – 8pm every day, or online here.  Book between a week and an hour before you want to travel (if you book near the time, it’s possible that a vehicle won’t be available, so book earlier to be sure).

The cost is £2 single, £3.20 return (half for children and disabled people).

The service is open to everyone, so if you live in the Lakes Estate, for example, and want to get to the station, to bus routes or to the village shops, this is for you.


5 Responses

  1. Estelle Weiner says:

    now something like that from Schools Hill area to Gatley Station would stop me from taking the car to Gatley to get the train – and even stop me sometimes taking the car in to Manchester as that takes less time than getting 2 buses (to the station)and then the train.

  2. Anne says:

    Yes if this service was available around the area the problem parking in Gatley especially by the station could be eased.

  3. Iain Roberts says:

    At the moment, Transport for Greater Manchester only offer this service in certain areas, and the Lakes estate area is one that’s particularly far from other public transport routes, but I know that’s reviewed and it may be that the service is expanded in future.

  4. Deborah Burt says:

    The local link leaves a large area of Gatley that is not covered .In order to bring my mum from Wythenshawe to Wilcott Road on Gatley we only have the option of the ring and ride service which only runs until 4.30. I live on Halstead and can use the Wythenshawe local link yet I am less than 5 minutes from Wilcot Road which is not covered by local link.

  5. Iain Roberts says:

    True, Deborah – Local Link actually leaves most of Greater Manchester uncovered. It’s a subsidised service and, at the moment, is targeted in certain areas by Transport for Greater Manchester.

    This particular service covers just the west side of Gatley, along with most of Heald Green, but you and I fall outside the area.

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