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Sniffer Dogs on Pub Patrol in Cheadle & Cheadle Hulme

by Lib Dem team on 26 July, 2011

From the Police:

Sniffer dogs helped police to crack down on drug use in Stockport on Friday night (22 July).

The dogs joined the Stockport West Neighbourhood Policing Team to visit 10 licensed premises in Cheadle and Cheadle Hulme. Officers discovered what they believe to be cannabis and cocaine in four of the pubs.

In total three people were arrested and four were given street cautions for possession of cannabis.

Police Constable Chris Maginess, who launched the operation, said: “The operation was launched at the request of licensees in the area. I’d like to thank people for their patience and co-operation while we were searching the pubs. We carefully planned the operation to ensure it was professionally policed and we have more initiatives planned for the very near future.

“People have told us they don’t want drugs in the area and we will continue to work with licensees and Stockport Council to ensure pubs are safe environments to visit.”

The Stockport West Neighbourhood Policing Team can be contacted on 0161 856 9770 or

To report crime call police on 0161 872 5050 or for more information visit

You can also call anonymously with information about crime to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Crimestoppers is an independent charity who will not want your name, just your information. Your call will not be traced or recorded and you do not have to go to court or give a statement.


4 Responses

  1. ColinW says:

    A complete waste of scarce Police resources. Shame on you for reporting this story as if criminalising those unfortunate pub-goers was a good thing.

    I suggest you read Simon Titley’s excellent liberator piece – which apparently you have according to LDV – & reflect on this:
    \If you have ever held back from proclaiming liberal values because you were afraid it might offend someone, it’s your fault. If your Focus leaflets are a politics-free zone, full of hackneyed slogans that haven’t changed for thirty years, it’s your fault.\

    Uncritical support for oppressive behaviour by the Police is exactly what he had in mind. The current drug laws are nonsensical & irrational & arbitrary & so clearly fail the Liberalism test.

  2. Iain Roberts says:

    Since I’ve already explained elsewhere why I disagree with Simon’s conclusions, I won’t do so again, nor will I criticise the police for enforcing the law of the land.

  3. ColinW says:

    “People have told us they don’t want drugs in the area and we will continue to work with licensees and Stockport Council to ensure pubs are safe environments to visit.”

    I presume tyhe fact that alcohol is a dangerous & addictive drug & is responsible for vast amounts of violent crime, vandalism, death & illness escaped PC Plod & the alcohol dealers then.

    You too it seems.

  4. Iain Roberts says:

    You seem to be confusing the role of the police, who’s job is to enforce the laws of the land, and that of Parliament, who makes the laws, Colin.

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