Graham, Tom and Ian

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It won’t be troubling the iTunes charts, but worth a listen

by Lib Dem team on 30 September, 2011

There’s just a couple of weeks left to have your say on the Government’s new planning proposals.

There’s been a good deal written about them. Some of it is nonsense (e.g. suggestions that the presumption in favour of development is something new – it’s existed since 1947). There are also valid concerns on how it will work in practise – will it get the balance right between development and environment, between national policy and local concern?

If you can find 20 minutes to spare, the DCLG have an audio summary of the proposals – they’re well worth a listen. If you like, you can then go on to read the full proposals. This is one mp3 that – I’m prepared to bet – won’t be shooting up the iTunes chart anytime soon, but don’t let that stop you.

You can listen to the mp3 file and read the documents here.

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