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Latest designs released for Stockport Interchange

by Lib Dem team on 25 September, 2015

TfGM have published the latest designs for Stockport Interchange, which will replace the ageing bus station.


The interchange includes a new bridge across the Mersey, allowing buses to come directly from Heaton Lane. That in turn takes traffic out of Mersey Square.


5 Responses

  1. MK says:

    I saw this proposed building on SkyscraperCity today and thought it seems a good way to link up Stockport Interchange (bus station) and Stockport Exchange (train station). Any future plans for this area in the works?

  2. Margaredt Cummins says:

    Thought a lot of work had been carried out over the last two years on the bus station, entailing disruption and confusion. Why was this done then and if it’s going to be all change again. Was this wasted money?

  3. Jb says:

    The northbound speed indicator for Styal Road was only operational for a few days before its removal. When will it be replaced?

    I still think there should be double white lines down several sections (if not all) of Styal Road from Church Road to Heald Green – especially on the hill between Church Road and Styal Grove. Speeding traffic is still overtaking others doing 30mph on this dangerous section.

  4. Paul Gunshon says:

    Stockport bus station, the plans look great, certain needs it, A problem that has needed addressing for years is better access to the top rail staition, lifts , electric pods to top and back, needs something from bus station instead of waiting for a while for another bus.

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