Graham, Tom and Ian

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Considering a one-way system for Gatley

by Lib Dem team on 5 March, 2010

For some years, the idea of making part of Gatley’s Church Road one-way has been floating around.   It was looked at by the Council sometime around 2006 and, at the request of the Gatley Village Partnership and Traders’ Association, another look was taken.

The findings were presented at the Gatley Village Partnership meeting last night.

The proposal was to make Church Road one way (southbound only) between Gatley Road and Gatley Green.

The main benefit would be 16 additional parking spaces.

However, several disadvantages were identified.

  • would cause problems for buses, especially high frequency route 11 which would have to be diverted.
  • extra pressure on Park Road/Altrincham Road junction with a lot more people turning right.
  • possible loss of business for traders, as people who currently come into the village from the Wythenshawe/Heald Green side might not bother if they have to drive all the way around.
  • possible faster traffic speed down Church Road – cars tend to drive faster when there’s no traffic coming the other way to worry about.
  • A longer route for people living around Gatley Green and nearbye roads to go towards Cheadle.

Overall, it was felt that the benefits of a one-way system weren’t clear enough to move forwards with it at the moment.

Other improvements to Gatley are being considered, which I’ll write about separately.


9 Responses

  1. Jean Skitt says:

    Just cannot believe this has been ” thrown out” With cars parked on either side of Church Road, and two way traffic – it is an absolute nightmare – I’m sure that a lot of people don’t use the shops because of the two way nightmare – not becuase they would have to drive a bit longer – and in a car it is only slightly longer to drive to Cheadle – all in all I am very disappointed about this decision.

  2. Angela Olsen says:

    If it became one way people would definitely not bother visiting. Those of us who are fit and can walk are ok but those with disabilities or maybe not as confident with driving would be put off by the diversion. I know at least 2 people who would no longer use the hairdressers, butchers and deli.
    Isn’t it the parking that’s the problem rather than the two way nature of the road. The Apollo has benefitted from free publicity for the last 10 years or so by having its name /logo emblazoned over the Tatton Buildings but they have created a parking probelm by closing off the large shoppers carpark that was always used when the cinema was closed.
    Can’t we request that the developers clear the land and allow temporary parking or do we have to endure another decade of this mess while plans are argued about.

  3. iainroberts says:

    Hi Angela,

    We can’t make the developers clear the land for parking, but we are actively looking for ways we can get the land at the rear of the cinema turned into a car park.

    Absolutely no guarantee of success, but it is a real possibility.

  4. John Hartley says:

    I’m with Jean in being surprised at there not going to be any progress. It seemed such a good idea to help in revitalising the shopping area. The other significant benefit would have been to eliminate the road safety issues at the clock tower junction. Iain, perhaps you could now resurrect the idea of traffic lights at this junction which, as you know, has also been discussed on several occasions (most latterly during your election campaign)

  5. Alan Gent says:

    Iain, can we also look at making Massie St in Cheadle one way to avoid people illegally turning right on to the High St?


  6. David Johnson says:

    Cars transport people – but it is not the cars who are important, it is the people. Prevent parking in the narrowest (most) sections of Church Road. Reduce speed limit to 20 and enforce it – currently 30 is often ignored making danger for pedestrians in a pedestrian shopping area. This would also have the benefit of encouraging through traffic to use Park road rather than the village centre. The emphasis must be on Gatley Village for Gatley Villagers.

  7. Paula Isherwood says:

    I am completely with Jean Skitt on this matter. Making Church Road one-way is the only sensible solution, which has been “on the cards” for more years than I care to remember. Exiting from Park Road onto Altrincham Road is so much safer than Church Road to Gatley Road – have you ever stood at the ‘bus stop infront of the Tatton and watch the narrow squeaks as traffic plays Russian roulette. I cannot see that traders will suffer because Church Road is one-way but I can see that there will be benefits for pedestrians and drivers.

  8. David Fernandez says:

    To clarify the discussion that took place at the Village Partnership, the proposal has not been “thrown out”.

    Iain has summarised the main pros and cons of the presentation. However, in addition to considering the “Church Road One Way” proposition the Village Partnership is wanting to review the on and off street parking resources within Gatley.

    The Village Partnership will be considering the overall impact of the options, including “Church Road One Way” at its next meeting in June.

    David Fernandez
    Gatley Village Partnership

    PS Iain, you may wish to modify your main posting in light of these comments.

  9. richard horsnell says:


    I am concerned about the safety implications that a one way system managed in this way might cause, namely the potential for additional traffic flow past the Gatley primary school. I’d therefore like to register my objection to the current plans.

    Regarding concerns about the difficulty exiting Church Road (to the right) into Gatley Road (mentioned above). What about moving the monument opposite the H&F pub into the middle of Gatley Road to create a mini roundabout. That might slow the oncoming traffic speed and make for a safer exit.

    To my mind, the fundamental problem is too much traffic at peak flow times. The council should be doing more to stagger school/business starting times and encourage other forms of transport.

    On the subject of traffic, What about a limited parking time in the cark park by co-op (or is that privately owned?).

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