Graham, Tom and Ian

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How I fit more rubbish into my black bin

by Lib Dem team on 9 February, 2011

When my family of four first got our black wheelie bin, we were pretty much filling it up every two weeks. In the last month it’s been no more than three-quarters full by the time it’s collected, which works out fine.

Since a significant number of people are having problems fitting their rubbish into their black bins, I thought my tips might help.

Please note: I am NOT suggesting that you should be able to fit all your rubbish in just because I can – different households generate different amounts of waste and you may well be in the group who are doing everything they can and still need a second bin.

Tip 1: make sure you’re recycling everything you can
Seems obvious, but I came across things I didn’t realise I could recycle. Envelopes, aluminium foil (once I’d given it a rinse in the sink), pizza boxes (after I’d removed any chunks of melted cheese), magazines, phone books – all to be recycled. Then there’s all the food – cooked and raw – including peelings and leftovers. (This is correct if you live in Stockport Borough – other local authorities may have different recycling arrangements).

Tip 2: Some rubbish can go in loose
I found that when I bagged everything before putting it in the bin, there were gaps between the bags so even when my bin looked full, there was still space I couldn’t get to near the bottom. So I’ve started just emptying waste paper bins from the front room and bedrooms directly into the black bin – it uses the space more effectively.

Tip 3: crush the rubbish bags before putting them in
This is the one that made most difference for me. When I put rubbish into the kitchen bin, I pushed it down so I assumed it was as packed as it was going to get. It turns out that I was wrong. After I take the bag out of the kitchen bin, I now put it on the floor and squeeze it down – and it ends up a lot smaller! It pretty much stays that size too after I’ve put it in the black bin.

As I say, these may or may not work for you, but they’ve worked for me in reducing the space the rubbish takes up in my black bin by 25-30% even though I’m still throwing away or recycling the same amount as before.


3 Responses

  1. […] See also my tips on how I get more into my own black bin. […]

  2. anne says:

    On my walks around Gatley on bin collection days I see full cardboard boxes sticking out of bins. It does not take a lot of time to break them down so they fit.

  3. Bob says:

    Hi, Iain, we have been doing what you do and more for years, in fact we don’t even use our green bin, we use our own compost bins for green waste to spead on our garden,which the council were promoting several years ago, and we feed the birds with food waste that will not decompose, and burn any bones on our fire, alot of plain waste paper and envelopes we use for jotting down notes on, shopping lists etc, it is common sense really, but people are just too lazy.

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