Graham, Tom and Ian

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Join the Lib Dem campaign to add £60 to your wage packet each month

by Lib Dem team on 23 February, 2012

The Liberal Democrats are campaigning for no one to pay tax on the first £10,000 of their income – an extra £60 in your pocket every month.

You can sign the petition “Fast track the Lib Dem £10,000 income tax threshold policy” here:


3 Responses

  1. Robert Taggart says:

    All very well, but, being ‘lefties’ you will only go on to find another of ‘stealing’ peoples earnings !
    ADMIT IT !!

  2. Alan Gent says:

    Lefties!! are you serious??? At least they’re making an effort to rebalance the totally unfair tax system in this country.

  3. Glyn Jones says:

    Your headline £60 a month is based on the personal tax allowance in 2010-11. In 2012-13 the personal tax allowance will be £8105, so an increase to £10000 would mean £379 a year less tax or about £32 a month. Please don’t get into the habit of copying the tricks which Gordon Brown used to use.

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