Graham, Tom and Ian

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New surfacing to sort out Bruntwood play area problems

by Lib Dem team on 14 February, 2014

With the previous young children’s play area becoming so old as to be beyond economic repair, a new play area was installed a couple of years ago.

Unfortunately, there have been ongoing drainage problems at the new location and we’ve been pressing hard to get it sorted – it’s no use having kids playing in mud!

We’ve been very pleased to hear that the problem should be finally fixed, with the sand taken up and a new safety carpet surface being laid in the next few weeks.

We’ll be keeping a close eye on this, but hopefully Bruntwood Park will finally have the young children’s play area it needs.


2 Responses

  1. Shabir says:

    Excellent HOWEVER the previous children’s play area was much safer as it was enclosed by a perimeter fence. I now find parents constantly running after their kids. Before you could let you children play without being worried about them disappearing into the crowd. Also parents could have a good chat with other parents whilst their kids played (in addition there were more seating available for parents with younger ones – feeding etc)

    Is there no way we could get something like that again? Also in the open kids area there are too many kids different ages and sizes which is a hazard for the younger ones (bodies and balls etc, my child had a football blasted into his head) – the old kids play area had an age restriction…. does anyone back this idea? I am interested to hear other views…

  2. Estelle Weiner says:

    I have personally been in regular touch with Ian Walmsley at the parks dept. He even accompanied me on an inspection to resolve the problem. It is not the sand which is a problem. It is the honeycomb matting, especially by the swings and the toddler unfriendly roundabout. The sand pit itself is fine (except the bouncy animals aren’t that great!), and used a lot. I have sent Ian photos of the older children’s area which is dry, when the toddlers’ was a muddy morass. The toddlers’ area is used virtually daily. Parents taking children to the nearby infact school use it for their toddlers, and grandparents are often there with their little ones, regardless of the weather. The older kids area is used mainly week ends, after school on lighter evenings and in school holidays. The toddlers’ area should therefore have always been a priority. With the imminent opening of the new BMX, Bruntwood will be a magnet for families. We must ensure all the facilities are kept in top class shape. I do think that Ian at SMBC is to be given a some credit for eventually managing (in this present difficult climate) to try to resolve the issue.

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