Graham, Tom and Ian

Your Lib Dem team for Cheadle West & Gatley Learn more

THANK YOU – Cheadle High Street sewer repairs finished

by Lib Dem team on 17 April, 2014

Thank you to everyone for your patience in putting up with the one-way closure of Cheadle High Street over last two weeks which saw diversions in place, including bus delays. We’re very pleased to see that United Utilities have repaired the sewer ahead of schedule, the High Street is back to normal and the bollards at the end of Ashfield Crescent have been replaced.

Good progress was also made on the new pavement outside St Mary’s Church: it’s pretty much done on the Church side and well underway on the Massie Street side. We were keen that this work be done at the same time as the sewer repairs to minimise the disruption by getting it over and done with in one go.


4 Responses

  1. Les Leckie says:

    I think all the work is being done well. However, I think its a pity the flexible parking scheme planned for Chapel Street has not yet been introduced. This would have relieved the desperate pressure on parking space in the village. Seeing twenty or so empty parking spaces reserved for absent residents, as motorists crawl around looking for one, is most frustrating. Why is it taking so long?

  2. Alan Gent says:

    Patience ? Iain, I wish it had taken longer! It’s been great having the High St back to what felt like 20 years ago, even with all the road works. If I thought there was even a remote chance of feasible permanent solution like that, I’d be making it a (Re) election voting criterion 🙂

  3. jennifer says:

    I agree with both comments above, especially the flexible parking.

  4. jfgb says:

    I thought the removal of the bollards in Ashfield Crescent was very useful and would have liked to see this retained as a permanent feature, relieving the traffic congestion that sometimes occurs outside the chemist on Ashfield Road. A permanent very low speed limit would be acceptable to me.

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