Graham, Tom and Ian

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Action to evict in progress as travellers move onto Grange Park Road playing fields

by Lib Dem team on 29 April, 2014

Note: see latest update here: Travellers in court on Tuesday 13th May.

On Sunday a group of travellers (6-7 caravans along with a mechanical digger, truck and other vehicles) moved onto the playing fields behind Grange Park Road, Cheadle. The entrance to the fields is blocked with logs, but with the digger they were able to move the logs and drive on.

We spoke to several residents on the Sunday and ensured the Police were aware. First thing on Monday morning we spoke to the Council and initiated the process to get the travellers evicted: it’s a playing field, not a caravan park!

We also delivered a letter to local residents bordering onto the fields to let them know what was happening and have been updating people via the Cheadle, SK8 Facebook group.

I’m getting daily updates on progress at evicting the travellers from the playing field behind Grange Park Road. Yesterday I was told it would take 1-2 weeks to evict. Today’s update is in line with that, but looking more like 2 weeks than 1, I’m afraid:

“The health visitor attend the site today and has highlighted a number of issues which need addressing. Hopefully these matters will be resolved by Thursday the 1st May. If this is the case, I can then proceed with the recovery process, which will mean that the travellers will be in occupation of the land till at least the end of next week.”

I’ve also had confirmation from the Police that they are working with the Council and will be monitoring the site.

A couple of people have asked me whether something can be done more quickly. The answer is no: the Council has to follow the law which means going through the proper process. If they don’t, the courts won’t grant an eviction order and it could take even longer to sort out.

A number of other issues have been raised by residents:

The travellers are using the field as a toilet
I understand that this is a cultural issue for them, but deeply unpleasant for everyone else. When they have gone, the Council will clean the whole field.

Is there any additional crime?
We’re in contact with the Police who are monitoring the situation. There isn’t currently any spike in crime in the area. We also need to recognise that whilst additional crimes might be committed by the travellers, it’s far from unknown for local criminals to take the opportunity to burgle, knowing where the finger of blame will be pointed.

How about more vulnerable residents?
I’m very concerned about more vulnerable residents, especially some right next to the travellers. I’ve asked for additional support to be given from the Council’s Community Safety team and that should be happening in the next day or so.

Can we stop more getting onto the site?
This group have been travelling around the area (Stockport/Cheshire) since before Christmas. We can’t block them in, but we don’t think there are additional travellers likely to join them. Also, they’ve been canny in not camping on the football pitches (if they were to do that, the Council could use additional powers to evict them) so there’s only so much space available. We can’t be certain, and we’ll have to keep a close eye.

Have they been co-operative?
What we’ve seen so far is (in my view) trespass and anti-social behaviour, but I can confirm that the travellers have been polite, courteous and co-operative when Council officers have visited to speak to them.

Can we get a stronger barrier across the entrance to the fields?
Yes. No barrier will be perfect (unless we want to turn the playing fields into some sort of prison camp!) but a better barrier will make entry more difficult. That is going to happen.

Once evicted, how long does the eviction notice apply for?
It applies for 30 days. If the group return within that period they can be re-evicted without the need for a further court order.

Why are the travellers here
They’re in the area to work – if people pay them to do jobs (lay driveways etc.) then it’s worth their while to stay while they can. If no local residents employed them to do any jobs, they’d probably be on their way.


28 Responses

  1. Jean hynd says:

    Can we have better blocking for the Brookfield road field too. As they got on there last time thankyou. There’s nothing there now well there wasn’t last night. So they could get on there

  2. D Brown says:

    It always baffles me why it takes so long to move travellers. I can’t help feeling if I turned up and pitched my tent on that field, it would take less than two weeks to remove me!

  3. Iain Roberts says:

    Same rules for everyone (I guess because most of us have never been in a position to need to either evict someone or be evicted, we tend to assume it can be done more quickly).

  4. Anne says:

    Some weeks ago a section of the low wooden fence between Scholes field and the car park beside the pavilion has been broken. It must have taken some force! In the last couple of weeks another section was smashed. This makes the low locking gate in the fence useless, and it would only take the gate on to the road to be left unlocked briefly (which it sometimes is) for the football and cricket pitches, and the running track, to be at risk. We had enough trouble a few years ago with travellers on the other side of the stream! It would save trouble in the future if the broken fence were repaired.

  5. David Holgate says:

    Surely we should look at extending the period the eviction notice covers. Perhaps our MP could help.

    This must be costly for the council.

  6. Louise M says:

    How do I get access to the Cheadle SK8 Facebook page to read the updates? I’ve tried searching for it but unable to locate ?

  7. Maria Hankinson says:

    Sorry I don’t feel as residents the council, police or fire service are doing enough. They have more rights than us! They are polluting the atmosphere with the fumes from the fires which is a daily ritual, and we have been told nothing can be done.

    Apparently there are delays evicting the travellers due to health issues. What about our health issues inhaling the fumes.

    We need to see more action from the council so far it’s a pathetic attempt.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Maria, I understand your frustration but I’m not sure what more can be done There is a legal process the council has to follow to get an eviction order from the courts. Without that order, the travellers stay put.

  8. JULIE CLOUGH says:

    I’m concerned as more caravans have arrived this evening! I’m also concerned that these people are cutting up the logs put there to prevent unauthorised access on to this field and using them as fire wood. Is this not deemed as criminal damage? They are clearly dumping their rubbish at the entrance to the field and they’ve started knocking on residents’ doors (mine included) making a nuisance if themselves.
    It’s so frustrating to feel intimidated in your own home.
    Is there any further information on an eviction notice?

  9. Matt Stevens says:

    4 more caravans have arrived this evening

  10. JGray says:

    Replying to Anne(4), good that you highlighted that. Let’s hope that was just vandalism as we certainly do not want travellers there. Over to Iain.

  11. John Cockerlin says:

    To say that it is “a cultural issue” that they use the field as a toilet seems a bit too PC to me, after all dog walkers can be prosecuted if they don’t clean their dog’s mess up!

  12. Iain Roberts says:

    Don’t get me wrong John, I’m explaining not excusing. It’s fouling and, just like any dog owner, a fine could be issued if they were directly observed by a council officer. It’s also pretty disgusting and I feel for the people fr the council who will get the job of picking it all up when they’re gone.

  13. Maria Hankinson says:

    Iain, frustrated is an understatement. You still haven’t addressed the issue regarding the daily fires we have to contend with, which is blowing directly into my back garden. There are regulations on this and again this isn’t being addressed. Why can they not be served an abatement notice? Whatever they are burning its hazardous and polluting the atmosphere. When we asked them to put this out a 5 yr old child told us to f*** off! All bank holiday weekend we have not been able to go in the back garden.

    Then we have noise pollution from the generator again nothing is being done. Remind again what I am paying council tax for? Will the local residents get a rebate?

  14. Iain Roberts says:

    Hi Maria,

    I fully understand your frustration. I spoke to the council over the weekend about the fires and I’ll discuss it again today to see what legal action can be taken. I’m pushing for everything within the law to be done to sort this out and I’m sorry that it takes longer than any of us would like.

  15. Bob says:

    Can they not be prosecuted for fly tipping??? and for carrying waste without a waste carriers licence which is issued by the council to anyone who transports waste in connection with their business, as the type of work that they do, produces waste which they usually dump on wherever they are camped,this is an area that the council should be keeping a very close eye on with back up from the police.

  16. Iain Roberts says:

    Hi Bob,

    Potentially yes, but that would take a good deal longer than any eviction so the priority has to be to evict.

  17. Matt Stevens says:

    Yet more caravans even on the pitches now

  18. […] reported on the situation here, and this is an […]

  19. Alan Gent says:

    Wouldn’t it be as simple as putting up a sign saying” any travellers staying on this field will be forcibly removed”.
    A good JCB driver could pulp 10 caravans in no time!
    Perhaps we could also reclaim any expenses incurred from their tax bills?

    Oops I forgot they don’t pay tax either- aren’t we the mugs?

  20. Matt Stevens says:

    There have been several more caravans arrive over last 48hrs, some of them are now camped in one of the pitches. My posts don’t seem to be getting published but I hope someone is reading them.

  21. Bob says:

    Ian, what additional powers do the council have when the travellers are camping on the football pitch, ? and as they have been on the pitch since yesterday morn have the council now started these proceedings?

  22. […] previous updates here and […]

  23. Richard says:

    So clearly no one wants to remove the fence…so who’s idea was it exactly to remove it? Ian Roberts?? Ian, do you own a dog? ?

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Appreciate you posted on the wrong story, but to answer your question – the suggestion came from a resident. People do have different opinions, and no problem with that – that’s why we take the trouble to consult and ask everyone for their views. Having done that, it’s clear that local residents are opposed to removing the railings so it won’t happen. By consulting, we’ve got the right result – had we not consulted and just gone with the person who approached us, we would have got the wrong result.

  24. Richard says:

    Oops posted on wrong blog!

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