Graham, Tom and Ian

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Grange Park Road travellers leave the site

by Lib Dem team on 13 May, 2014

The travellers who’ve been on the playing fields behind Grange Park Road for a little over two weeks left the site this morning (Wednesday), ahead of the court-granted eviction notice due to come into force at 1pm.

I went to the fields at lunchtime, arriving soon after they’d gone. Two caravans had been left (possibly to be collected later) along with piles of rubbish and rubble (the rubble almost certainly from driveway jobs they’ve done locally).

The Police and Council officers soon joined me and the clean-up was underway within a couple of hours. The Council officers tell me that bad as the rubbish looks, it could have been a lot worse and often is!

When I arrived, I discovered a very cute puppy had been left in one of the caravans – he’s now with the RSPCA (and I suspect he’ll be snapped up by new owners within minutes once the RSPCA have done their bit).

The initial plan is to put the rubble at the entrance to the fields to stop anyone getting back on. The new gate is on order.

Thank you to all the residents who kept me informed, and to the Council and Police: by following the correct legal process, the travellers have been moved on (I’m told that this isn’t always the case).


4 Responses

  1. Maria Hankinson says:

    Please can you advise what is being done about the human waste they also left behind which is now leaving a terrible smell? Have the Environmental Health been informed.

  2. Iain Roberts says:

    Hi Maria,

    The Council identified the location of the latrines on Friday and they’ll be properly cleaned up.

  3. Frederick Kenny says:

    Why haven’t these people been prosecuted fro fly tipping (always stated as a very serious offence) like anybody else?

  4. Iain Roberts says:

    In part because you need to prosecute an individual, which means you need evidence to show which person committed the offence.

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