Graham, Tom and Ian

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Extended hours application from Islamic centre

by Lib Dem team on 28 May, 2014

The Council has received a planning application for the Islamic Centre at 40 Foxland Road, Gatley to extend the opening hours for prayer to 24 hours a day, this being for a one year temporary period.

A number of local residents have expressed concern about the potential for noise, traffic and parking issues overnight if this change is made.

We think it needs to be properly discussed in public so I’ve called in the application to appear at Cheadle Area Committee (probably in July).

You can see the application, and have your say, here.


45 Responses

  1. Les Leckie says:

    Does this involve a call to prayers being broadcast in the middle of the night?

    • Anne says:

      Hello, good question!

      The Muslim call to prayer is only between sunrise and sunset and 1hr and a half after that in intervals. The time changes thought the year. For example, the first prayer (Fajr) is at 3:00 in summer, but 6:00 or later in the depths of winter.
      If you do not hear these usually thought the day, then I highly doubt you will hear them thought the night. And if you do, there should be a curfew for when the call to prayer (athan) can be called.

  2. David Maycock says:

    Why do they need to go there they have Cheadle Mosque just up the road, some mornings i can not park anywhere near the paper shop and there are cars parked on corners and pavements already and you cannot get past.Its a residential area and they should be restricted to 9-00am 4-00pm

    • Anne says:

      Perhaps the reason it is so packed is because the people are restricted in terms of the amount of time they have. There probably won’t be as many people at one time.

  3. barbara hynch says:

    I agree with the above letter.This is a residential area and I personally would not like to live near anything that is open 24 hours!!!!The noise of people coming and going and starting cars up all hours!!!!I dont think that it is fair for the residents !!We have enough traffic problems on this estate as it is without adding more.

    • Anne says:

      The Mosque is not a pub. I’m sure that there wouldn’t be as many complaints of it was a pub! There won’t be a lot of noise, I don’t know what you’re expecting really. Yes, there may be cars starting up but the amount of people coming to the Mosque during these hours is very small anyway, people should have the freedom to practice their religion.

  4. Chris Reynolds says:

    I have made my feelings known by completing the submission form. I would urge anyone else to do the same or live in regret from the consequences of apathetic inaction. Enough already.

  5. MR S POWELL says:

    T he Moslems have a Mosque where they can go day or night, just up the road, this is strictly a residential area, the parking is already very bad in our area – as are the pot-holes in the road, I have lived at the above address since it was built (52 years) and we do not want people parking day or night, enough is enough – Mr. S POWELL

  6. Jeanette says:

    I cannot understand why this centre had to be opened. Our churches arent open 24 hrs a day. There is a mosque in Heald Green and only 1 synagogue in the area. Surely we have enough cars and noise around Foxland Road and the elderly and infirm who need to park to use papershop, hairdressers and dentist already have huge issues trying to do so.

  7. Lesley says:

    My son is unfortunate enough to live near the mosque in heald green, the people that attend there do not care where they park, over your drive way, double parking on the corners of the road, pavements, grass verges, his girlfriend bought a flat near the mosque in Didsbury, it is a converted house with 5 parking spaces in the garden for the residents, and they even have the audacity to drive into the garden and park there !!!!
    This planning application need to be stopped and refused, it is totally unnecessary.

  8. Adrian Hallmark says:

    I must say I was only vaguely aware of the Centre so can’t imagine that it has caused much traffic chaos or great inconvenience to date but it is worth remembering how bad the traffic/parking problems were on the old A34 before the Mosque car park was sorted out. Even now on Fridays there are still some traffic and parking problems in that area. Foxland and the access roads (especially Springfield Rd) certainly couldn’t cope with anything like the H Green levels of traffic and parking so there needs to be a really good understanding of the possible implications for the area before any permission is given for the proposed extension. I can also imagine that 24hr access to the Centre will be inconvenient and a bit worrying for people living in the immediate vicinity and that must be taken into account. Maybe an agreed period of monitoring current use and any attendant issues would be a positive way to proceed and it would give a factual basis for the discussions and decision.

  9. david tomlin says:

    the Islamic learning centre should not have been allowed to open in the first place. It should have remained a shop, not a rates free place of worship!
    Parking during prayer times is already a problem, parking when normal people are at home asleep in bed will be intolerable. This application should be rejected at once.

  10. Shabir Makim says:

    Interesting comments on all sides. I don’t disagree with any of them.

    First off the the council SHOULD and MUST put double yellow lines outside the Cheadle Mosque on Wilmslow Road and get traffic officers issuing tickets for that 1 hour on a Friday. This will send a clear message to some members of their congregation, who simply have no manners and park where they feel. The way some of them park on the main road is obnoxious (not mentioning the drives – i feel that this has improved as the local residents complaints have decreased) – it is almost a blind bend as people exit the Mosque car park and it is a hazard. Imagine a Fire Engine trying to squeeze through traffic, parked cars and on coming traffic on that bend!

    With regards to the other Mosque, its so tiny i don’t think you’d get much traffic issues etc (no call to prayer Les Leckie) but parking cars will be a problem. I think it should be reduced to a 3 month trial, not a year long trial.

    I don’t agree with this second smaller mosque. As a school to teach kids their religion fine (still causes parking at certain hours in the afternoon/evening) but to be a mosque is pushing it a bit too far.

  11. Shanni says:

    I am not sure why there is so much negativity about this small mosque when we have 5 churches in Heald Green alone and one in Gatley. I have seen on occasions ridiculous amount of traffic clogging up when people congregate at Christ Church on Finney Lane, yet there are no complaints from any community because people around the area are tolerant regardless of religion. We have become a multicultural society, but it just seems a lot of ignorant people have come onto this site to vent their anger. What a shame.

    To answer some queries:

    FAO Les: First of all, are there any complaints from any community when Churches ring their bells on Sundays?
    And No there are not going to be any loud calls to prayers, you need special permission for that and only mosques where there are nearly 100% of muslims around the community will get that, but its still stringent and not all muslims want the call to prayer.

    FAO of those against traffic: We get traffic for football games, we get traffic for road works etc etc but we have learnt to live with this over the years. British people are very tolerant and thats why it makes Britain Great! Yes there may be some idiots who don’t respect neighbours during prayer times, but I can tell you that the Mosque Committees always announce to people NOT to cause any disturbances. However you are always going to get idiots regardless of religion. I can cite many examples.

    FAO Jeannette: It may help to actually do some investigation into the muslim religion to see how many prayers they actually have and when they do them. Its called research. The centre ISNT going to be open 24hours a day, its only there because of the timings. Muslims only pray 5 times a day and the times vary throughout the year. The centre at Foxland is very small, it can only house 25-30 people at most. Secondly the morning and night prayers especially in summer, will not have high attendance, at most 5-7 people. So there isnt going to be any traffic during the night or morning prayers. The afternoon prayer during weekdays again very little traffic, because most people are at work. The only traffic you may get is for the evening prayer and on Fridays and on Eid Day which is twice a year. That is pretty much less traffic you will get on most churches on Sundays.

    FAO MR S Powell and others: I can say the same about Churches and other establishments. Why have 5 in Heald Green alone? Simple answer is there are sects in all religions and certain sects such as Protestants want their own church, likewise with Catholics and so forth. Majority of churches are in neighbourhoods to serve the community. Mosques, temples, libraries etc have the same principle. They are there to serve the community!

    FAO Shabir : Frankly I am disappointed with your comments. You seem to have a personal vendetta against muslims at Cheadle Mosque, therefore am assuming you are not muslim or you have used a fake name. According to your logic, we should have double yellow lines outside Christ Church because on Sundays and on Funerals, traffic is horrendous. The way some of them park on the main road is obnoxious and imagine fire engines having to cross that traffic! Your comments not mine!

    Seriously people, are we not a tolerant society to all types of communities and their needs? It only takes a few moments to think clearly, do some research before venting out criticisms and personal thoughts without any knowledge of the subject matter. Imagine we did that at work! I personally hold respect for all communities and think many fold before I make any judgement.

    And yes I do live local to Gatley and Heald Green. And no I am not making any judgement whether planning permission should be given or not.

    • Anne says:

      Thank you for doing this! You have said everything I wanted to say and more. I cannot believe there is so much negativity, and, it’s based on very little knowledge of Islam.

  12. Alan Gent says:

    If ‘we” do have five churches in the area, well, we were here first! And none of those are asking for 24 hour access. Its Sunday and thats it apart from weddings and funerals.
    In a predominantly non Muslim area, the majority should surely take precedence in their requirement. It seems to me there is enough evidence of obstruction, etc. without further access being granted.

  13. Sajeel says:

    I’m so saddened to read the ‘borderline’ racist/prejudice comments

  14. Robert Taggart says:

    Sajeel – lucky for you that you do live in a liberal country and worse still a liberal run (well, LieDum !) town.
    No venue – whatever its purpose – should be allowed to set up in unsuitable areas.
    Ergo – residential areas should be for housing only. Shops, Mosques, Offices, Churches… whatever, should be required to provide adequate parking – on their own land.
    Sorted, now then – close the Mosque in question !

    FTR – oneself be unaffected by this place – it be on the wrong side of the tracks !

  15. JohnG says:

    Just posted my NO on the application >

    This is inappropriate use of what was a local premises. It will mean we, the local people, have to suffer yet again even more increased traffic and inconsiderate parking problems. This area is already a rat-run between Gatley and Heald Green and this will make matters even worse. Time for the Council to support us.

    I’m not going to comment on some of the above as it’s obvious where it’s headed, so a waste of time.

    I hope that lots of long-time Gatley residents read this and have a thing about what you – we – want our community to be like.

    Thanks you.

  16. H stuart says:

    I dont want the hours to be extended on foxland rd it is supposed to be a learning centre not a mosque, there is not enough parking there now for the hairdressers and dentist. And as for the comments about all the churches in gatley and heald green and there only being one mosque, I lived in qatar and there we were not allowed a church, we had Father Christmas once at the shopping centre and he was told he either dressed as something else or he would be arrested and deported!! We ended up with Merlin the wizard.

  17. JohnG says:

    Hi H stuart. I’m with you. I have lived in Dubai and have also spent many years on business up and down the region. The overwhelming sense that i gained was good. I was aways well received everywhere. I doubt that we here in uk would be so receptive … open. Why? That’s the question.

  18. Fifi says:

    I am a Muslim but I am totally against this Islamic teaching centre becoming a mosque, simply and purely because of the amount of traffic it will create. I agree with the comments about the traffic and the current difficulty in parking in the vicinity of the centre, and the important fact that it is a residential area that is already being frustrated by the ignorance of the few that park wherever they want!! The mosque leaders do warn people to be considerate of the neighbours but sadly the ignorant will remain ignorant, and local residents should not have to put up with this at all. Indeed there is a mosque just down the road in heald green and another slightly further in didsbury. I am more than fed-up of people screaming ‘racism’ and the like, as soon as they face objections to things like this. Britain is indeed a very tolerant society and the same cannot be said for the majority of Muslim countries – I agree with H Stuart. I am not happy with people citing the fact that there are more churches here – after all it is England and they were here first, and they rarely have the same traffic problems!! Yes to the centre being a teaching centre but an absolute NO to it becoming a mosque, not even for a month!!

  19. Bob says:

    For once I totally agree with Robert Taggart,Mosques should be built somewhere else, like on vacant land at the Handforth Dean shopping centre , then they can shop and pray at the same time AND maybe hopefully park properly, there is plenty of parking places there.

  20. Paul - Gatley Resident says:

    I am opposed to a Mosque on the Road too. How long would it be until it expands and eventually takes over some or most of the other shops too with further noise and disturbance. Surely it is enough to have the Cheadle Mosque and no problems with a learning centre open normal hours.
    I too have found from my travels that although the people in the Muslim countries are largely very friendly other religions and their establishments and customs are either banned or poorly tolerated.

  21. Iain Roberts says:

    Thanks for the comments everyone.

    I should say that this is not a proposal for the premises to become a mosque (that would require a change of use in the planning application).

  22. Paul Turgoose says:

    Hi ian, I have clicked the link but cant seem to register my opinion??
    I am on the corner of springfield very close to the learming centre and probably closer than half the people on foxland but i dont have a reference number?? Do i need this and is so why havent i got one when it clearly impacts me?

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Paul,

      You don’t need a reference number – anyone can comment for or against an application. From the link, scroll to the bottom and click on “Public representations”. When it asks for a reference number, click on “If you do not have a reference number click here” and you should then be able to register your views.

  23. Lesley says:

    Unfortunately we have a gutless government who are afraid to say anything that may upset people, then it is “rasist”
    and we the true brits are being trodden on and not allowed to say anything in case it offends anyone or upsets Brussels.
    The government we elect should get a backbone and look after their own for once, no wonder ukip are thriving.

  24. JohnG says:

    Re Iain’s 5th June that “It isn’t a proposal for the premises to become a mosque (that would require a change of use in the planning application).” That’s good to hear confirmed. Iain has obvoiusly picked up on the underlying worry of many local residents. Although not a mosque at present, it’s natural to wonder where one change may lead. When you get to middle age and beyond, you don’t wan’t major changes anymore, do you? – especially right where you live.

    The appln is to extend it’s hours. What hours is it currently authorised to be open? And until what date does it have that?

  25. Iain says:

    Current permitted hours are 7am to 10pm (which is in line with reasonable opening hours if it was a convenience store).

    See previous planning application at

  26. jeanette says:

    Fyo: Shanni. I am actually married to a practising Muslim who prays at home and doesnt need to show others that he prays to prove his religion. Why cant others pray at home too? I do not have any issue about about it being an education centre as encouraging religion and peace is never an issue. As the UK is a Christian country it only seems to be natural that there are more churches than mosques. I wouldnt expect to go to an Islamic country and see more churches than mosques.

  27. JohnG says:

    Thanks Iain for the opening hours info.

  28. JohnG says:

    Isn’t that an interesting post from jeanette. Said so much in a few words. Thank you.

  29. Claire says:

    The Islamification of Gatley and Heald Green continues! Non-muslims will be the minority around here in a few years time.

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Muslims are about 5% of the local population (our Jewish residents make up a similar amount). Given the number of churches in the local area, I don’t think there’s the slightest reason to think that there’s any “islamification” nor that non-muslims will ever be a minority.

  30. Shabir Makim says:

    FAO Shanni,

    I used to volunteer at the mosque for a lot of things. One of them was parking during Fridays/Ramadhan. So I have first hand experience of the abnoxious worshippers who think it’s more important to offer prayers thancausing health and safety issues and disturbance to neighbours.

    Unfortunately Shanni there are a lot of the people who attend Friday Prayers have no manners. Note I did not say people who attend the mosque, just the Friday prayer folks… No vendetta, just believe that the mosque and the council can do so much more to have a positive impact on social cohesian etc

  31. David Hughes says:

    people are just being racist or what i call bigots, go and get a life your just being jealous, to all the racists this will not be tolerated,

  32. David Hughes says:

    i don’t have an issue with the mosque having planning consent, its a place of worship and everyone of all walks of life are entitled to there religious beliefs, do muslims complain about sunday church parking on finny lane???? NO they don’t, locals are being racist thats it

  33. Mike Heald Green Home owner says:

    Shanni, ‘should be yellow lines for funerals at Christ Church’ my word. You need to take a look in the mirror I cannot believe you actually said that. And you are all for religions working together…whatever! I bet you are one of the car owners that park outside Cheadle mosque and block the road or the farmers gate!!

  34. steve says:

    Thanks Ian, for taking down my original response, which just basically pointedout that, it doesn’t matter what people on here think, especially when Ian managed to get the original application through in the first place.

    Did anyone on here get asked about the islamic centre. ?…no me neither.

    If someone has an agenda, they will find a way, regardless if the majorities wants, needs, and wishes.

    If you really want to make a difference, get a petition together, and get your neighbours to sign it.

    And p.s. Ian, dont keep taking my posts down.


  35. Zak Khan says:

    I have been in the British Army and the GMP Police and am quite disgusted with some comments on here.

    FAO: Alan Gent \WE WERE HERE FIRST\ – Really? How sad!
    FAO: Claire: Islamification of Heald Green – lol.

    I am Indian and have a brown face, are you including me?

    There are Asian people in this country and many others around the world. Similarly, there are many brits abroad. I bet they dont encounter the same type of hatred that is evident in this country.

    Before you say go back – I was born here in the 60’s.

  36. Juan says:

    Can someone PLEASE explain to me how commenting on Islam / muslims can be racist?

    The Oxford English Dictionary defines racism as:

    the “belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”

    I don’t know of a country called Muslimia or Islamia or suchlike so they are not, by definition therefore racist or xenophobic comments.

    There is no such race as muslim or islam, not on my atlas anyway.

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