Graham, Tom and Ian

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Latest Gatley 20mph consultation gets 84% support

by Lib Dem team on 21 July, 2014

We reported a few weeks ago that the Council was consulting on what would be the largest 20mph zone to date, covering many of the residential roads around the centre of Gatley.

The Council delivered 1300 consultation letters/drawings for the above and received 217 replies, (16.7%). Of these replies 181 (84%) were for the proposal and 35 (16%) were against.

The funding for this is coming from the Cycle City Ambition Grant (it helps cyclists, but also helps keep our roads safer for everyone else).

We’ll say what we always say about 20mph limits: just like any other speed limit, it isn’t a panacea. Whatever you do, some people will always drive like idiots and some people will speed. However, the evidence we have is that 20mph limits do slow down traffic and do make our roads safer.


5 Responses

  1. Harry Bull says:

    Whilst I am fully in favour of 20mph limits where appropriate – how are they going to be policed?
    I live on Lorna/Dingle where we have had a 20mph limit imposed for over a year but people (including residents) are still whizzing up and down at speeds obviously in excess of the limit.
    So, I ask once again< how are these limits going to be enforced?
    Answers on a postcard please – they'll probably fit!!

    • Iain Roberts says:

      Hi Harry,

      This question often comes up and I’m always happy to answer. At present, GM Police won’t enforce 20mph limits (some other forces do). However, the evidence we have is that they do slow down traffic. That’s not to say every single car is slowed down. Whatever speed limit you have and however it’s enforced you’ll still have some idiots charging around – no-one’s yet found a way to stop that. But overall, 20mph speed limits do slow down cars and do reduce accidents.

  2. John Peoples says:

    St Anns Rd North has been 20 mph for years and is a race track! worse at school times. People actually state it is easier to go faster over the humps than slower, and the vast majority do so. The humps are broken up and not repaired in the £100 million road repair scheme.
    Ian this needs enforcing as they do in Mobberley and Styal with locals if necessary or it will be a waste of more money.

  3. Iain Roberts says:

    Hi John,

    I fully expect the humps to be repaired (or possibly replaced or removed, depending on what residents want) as part of the £100 million road scheme.

  4. Pauline Bishop says:

    Just to let you know I am concerned about overgrowth of hedge at the end of Stonepail Road near the bus stop facing Tesco. As you come round the corner from the bus stop (walking) to cross Stonepail Road you have to step out into the road to see round the hedge. That part of Stonepail Road is used as quick cut through and cars are going quite fast. You have to jump back out of the way. Thanks for your help.

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