Graham, Tom and Ian

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The Lib Dems are working hard for your votes – here’s why it matters

by Lib Dem team on 16 April, 2015

If you want a hard-working local team, you have to vote for it.

Mark Hunter and Graham Greenhalgh in Gatley

Mark Hunter and Graham Greenhalgh in Gatley


People have commented to me that the Lib Dems have delivered more leaflets, got more posters and seem to be knocking on more doors than the Conservatives or any of the other parties contesting the elections locally. In fact, more than all the others put together! It doesn’t surprise me – Lib Dems work hard, not just at election time but all year round.

And you should expect your politicians to work hard for your vote, because you want them to show you that they can work hard for you after that too.

Anyone can say the right things. But I want an MP who’s going to work to influence others to deliver the things I want. If a candidate can’t even persuade people to deliver leaflets, knock on doors or put up posters, how are they going to persuade enough of the other 600+ MPs to support them in the Commons when they’re trying to get things done?

On May 8th our MP will either be Mark Hunter or the Conservative who’s on the electoral roll near Preston. Our local councillor will either be Graham Greenhalgh or the Conservative who lives in Bramhall and has barely been seen in our area.

You deserve a councillor and MP who care about our area and work hard for it, but you have to vote for that.

Mark Hunter, Graham Greenhalgh and the Lib Dems will keep on working for your votes until polling closes at 10pm on May 7th, because you deserve an MP and councillors who’ll work hard for you. It’s our job not just to promise that we’ll work hard but to show you that we’re doing it.

Postal voters should receive their ballot papers around the end of the week.


5 Responses

  1. Bruce Thwaite says:

    Every time the Libdems are in office they treble tuition fees and increase VAT – fact.

    During the 2010 election campaign Mark Hunter signed the NUS Funding our Future pledge:

    ‘I pledge to vote against any increase in fees in the next parliament and to pressure the government to introduce a fairer alternative.’


    He broke that pledge – or is a Cledge

    • Ian says:

      Bruce, I am with you 100% with all you say.After the last election where I voted Lib/dem I was not at all happy that my vote was then given to the Tories to help them form their Government. I wrote to Mark Hunter at Westminster and fair does to him he replied explaining the process and why Coalition with Labour was not possible at that time.Personally I do not think the Coalition has done anything to enhance the reputation of the Liberal Democrats in fact its just the opposite BUT at the same time our MP Mark Hunter has continued to serve this constituency in my view fantastically along with the Council Members working with him.Cheadle and Gatley and all the other areas has during this horrible period continue to improve and grow making it a nice place to live for the whole community irrespective of Race or Colour or Religion and on that basis in the Election I am thinking about the Local effect of Change and the thought of a Conservative Candidate who knows nothing about our Community and so on that basis Mark Hunter will have my Vote.

      I hope the Lib /Dem party have Learned from the mistakes in their Coalition with the Tories and its time for a new Era and to move on.

  2. Bruce Thwaite says:


    He broke his word/bond for the trappings of power. And what does it say about a party who never includes their party leader in their leaflets?

    On a slight tangent, the one coalition the country does not want is one between Labour and the SNP.

    Ideally I would prefer a single party to run Westminster – pity that option is not on the ballot sheet.

  3. Ian says:

    Do Not get me wrong Bruce I am also VERY annoyed with the Liberal Democrats since the last Election but I am thinking local this time and its my view Mark Hunter has done a good job.

  4. Petronica says:

    After the last election I think the Lib Dems could have chosen to vote issue by issue and not align themselves with any particular party; the fact that they agreed to go into coalition with the Tories, I believe they did for their own self-aggrandisement, and the Party will pay a heavy price for this, both in this general election and in the future. However, had it not been for the Lib Dems in the Coalition we would not have seen the improvements in personal taxation allowances (even though David Cameron and George Osborne repeatedly claim credit for this), and I think the Lib Dems are to be congratulated for persevering with this policy, and ‘making it happen’.

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