Graham, Tom and Ian

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Lib Dems plan improvements to car parking in Cheadle

by Lib Dem team on 25 November, 2015

The Lib Dem team have been working for some time on improving car parking in Cheadle.

We know there are no easy fixes – most of the answers that helps one group causes more hassle for someone else. For example, if we push long-stay cars out of the car parks, they’ll probably park up on residential roads. Getting the right balance between the needs of traders, office-based businesses, residents and shoppers is always going to be tricky.

We do need more short stay parking in the village, though, and we think there are ways to achieve that without creating too many knock-on issues.

Here’s what we’re looking at

– getting the council to review the layout of the Massie Street car parks – we think it should be possible to fit in at least 10 extra spaces, maybe more.
– investigate allowing short-stay parking in residents parking zones 10am-4pm Monday-Friday.
– speak to anyone in the village with a private car park and see whether they want to offer permits for long-stay parking

We’re also still hearing the claim that the Alexandra Hospital has parking permits in the village. This is untrue – the Alex has no permits and, as far as we know, never has had. BMI’s UK finance division (based on Eden Place) has around 30 permits, which they will give up when the car park in the old coal yard opens, freeing those spaces for short-stay parking.

Taken together, we hope these will allow us to free up 40-60 additional short-stay spaces in the next few months without pushing more parking onto local residential roads.


11 Responses

  1. Ganesh Sarin says:

    Yes that will be great move. At present resident areas are congested with parked cars. In milton cresent some of the cars are parked for days. It is not only annoying as such a nice area where we pay reasonable hight council tax looks like a congested mess.
    I understant the traders need and business flourshing but on the same side resident don’t need to be penalised.
    This is my view

  2. Jennifer says:

    The 2 biggest anomalies seem to be the empty streets which have ‘residents only parking’. This seems to be going to be addressed at last. Well done! The other is: you want to slip into the bank/post office for 10 minutes, but you have to pay for 1 hour. I know it is only 20p, but people resent paying even that amount when they are not going to be parking for very long.

    • Rick says:

      If you are suggesting that you should be able to park for free for 10 mins or so, don’t you realise that people like you who resent paying 20p will take advantage of this and stay much longer! If you own a car you can afford 20p!

  3. Mr S Powell says:

    I agree we need more car parking spaces in cheadle – why not adopt the American way of parking – where you put your car in on a diagonal slant – thereby making it easier to back out .
    abut Cheadle is not the only one needing more car parking spaces – what about Gatley ?? – the Tatton site should have been made into a car park years ago – the owners could have made a packet by making a payable car park – even if only temporarily – until the development is finally decided – if ever!!!!
    Mr S Powell

  4. Les Leckie says:

    I don’t think the fact that cars park on residential streets should be part of the Council’s consideration. This is a legitimate use of village streets and resident parking schemes are available where they can be justified. Of course people parking across driveways is unacceptable but there are legal remedies available.

  5. Anne Davidson says:

    Full agreement with Mr. Powell. We need to look at parking in Gatley also.

  6. John Allwork says:

    This proposal may mean that resident’s who pay to park on the road outside their house may be unable to do so. Are you going to employ more traffic wardens to check for how long shoppers are parking?
    Residents may have to pay to park in a car park near their home, even though they already pay for a Resident’s parking scheme.

  7. roy says:

    Great you support parking outside someone’s house, please publish your address and lets see how you like it when you arrive home to find that cars/vans are parked outside your home and there is no where for you to park.
    Employ more traffic wardens to catch lazy inconsiderate drivers who don’t want to pay for parking, also start issuing ticket for illegal parking on zig zags lines (this is a 3 point plus fine offence). and stop encouraging businesses such as take away’s who create parking problems from opening up in our village.

    • Morag says:

      Parking is a real issue. Milton Crescent is currently a nightmare. If the parking in Cheadle was improved then residential streets would not be required.
      A car parked just over the edge of our drive for 4 days the other week making it difficult for us to get out and in. I couldn’t believe the thoughtlessness.

  8. Iain Roberts says:

    John – it’s getting a balance. We don’t think that short-stay parking would be appropriate for the Hall Street area and we’re not looking at that at the moment. Residents parking schemes do not guarantee anyone a parking space, but do make it a lot more likely.

    Mr Powell – happy to ask officers to look at slanted spaces (I know they have elsewhere). Gatley is more of a challenge: there are no residents parking schemes, no permits and no paid car parks to give us the tools to free anything up. Yes, it would have been nice for the rear of the Tatton to be used for car parking but it’s a private site and the owners chose not to, so we have to live with that.

  9. Estelle Weiner says:

    I personally find the 20p per hour quite acceptable. Especially as I recently paid 50p for an hour behind the Armoury (i.e. not the centre of the town) the other day.
    It is ridiculous though, to try and park on a curve. I mean the one outside the Post Office! If slanted parking could be introduced there (even if we had to lose some of the flower bed – which would, I accept, be a shame) it would be an improvement. And could some of the private car parks allow public parking Saturdays perhaps?

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