Graham, Tom and Ian

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Greater Manchesters Police Commissioner: experienced copper or ex-politician?

by Lib Dem team on 17 October, 2012

On November 15th, the 2.6 million people of Greater Manchester will elect our first Police and Crime Commissioner.

The choice is a stark one.

The Lib Dem candidate, Matt Gallagher, is a former policeman with thirty years experience of policing Greater Manchester. Currently living in Chorlton, Matt previously lived in Heald Green and was an Inspector in Marple. He was on the streets of Moss Side during the drug wars, and now he wants to put that experience to good use.

Labour’s candidate, is Tony Lloyd: a lecturer in Business Studies in the 1970s, Lloyd has been a career politician for the last thirty years.

So who will the people of Greater Manchester choose to run our police force: the politician or the policeman.

Don’t want to troop down to your polling station on a cold November evening? Why not vote by post from the comfort of your own home? Stockport residents can print off a postal vote application form here or call 0161 217 6026 for more information.


5 Responses

  1. Robert Taggart says:

    Neither – it be all a complete waste of time not to mention taxpayers money.
    Moi ? – will vote with our bum ! – stay at home !

  2. richard horsnell says:

    £100k a year, nice work if you can get it! I think i’ll have my say on who does. Not surprising conjoined bum above thinks different, especially with a name like Taggart – the irony’s not wasted on me.

  3. steve jackson says:

    I am unhappy that the public did not get a chance to even say if we wanted a commissioner or not. I personally believe it a gross waste of taxpayers money. We need more resources at ground level not adding another layer of expensive management. I shudder to think how much this election is costing to run, wasting yet more money that could be better spent on day centres for the elderly or subsidized creches so people can return to work etc. I for one won’t be wasting my time voting for something I feel will be pointless.

  4. Carolyn Minkes says:

    For the first time ever I am not voting. It has been cleverly hidden away and now hijecked by the usual party suspects. It lacks all credibility.

  5. Robert Taggart says:

    re: richard horsnell.
    “This is ONE mean town, ONE mean city”… but, “its the only place that I would be UNwilling to die for” !

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