Graham, Tom and Ian

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Highways England go-slow on South Park Road safety

by Lib Dem team on 20 July, 2015

After a lot of nagging, Highways England (the new name for the Highways Agency) finally cut some of the overgrown grass on the M60 J3 off-slip where it meets the South Park Road Estate.

However, other grass was left that makes visibility leaving the estate poor and we have asked the contractor to come back and look again.

Keep Clear markings on the road that we were told had been agreed and should be done in early May have still not gone down – we have now been promised they will be done in the next few days, but we will see.

This all means that exiting the South Park Road Estate onto the slip road is a currently lot more dangerous and difficult than it should be.

We will continue to press Highways England for action.

The map shows which parts of the junction are the Council’s responsibility (in the darker green) and which are down to Highways England.




9 Responses

  1. Jerry Clegg says:

    We were told that that part of South Park Road to the east of the A34 would be hugely improved when the wonderful new cycle scheme took place. In fact its just a jungle and the council have not done any grass-cutting on that part of the map shown as the council’s responsibility. For car drivers, there is a total lack of visibility between the junction 3 exit slip-road and South Park Road and also across to the slip-road down from Kingsway. Loss of sight-lines and hence safety, due to tall grass and weeds is an on-going serious issue and the way that area looks is just disgraceful.

  2. Iain Roberts says:

    Hi Jerry,

    You’re right – when the original cycle path was put in the vegetation was cut back and everything was sorted out, but routine maintenance has continued to be a problem. As council budgets continue to shrink (Osborne has promised us another five years of cuts) that’s not going to get easier, but we’ll do what we can to get some improvements.

  3. Jerry Clegg says:

    While I’m at it, the very light blue type used on the website for the councillor’s email addresses and the headline items list is extremely difficult to read.

  4. John Humphreys says:

    I would like to look at this from the other direction. Whilst I am usually first in the queue to criticise people who coming off the M60 cut straight over into the path of people coming out of the estate to head south, in fact during summer months the undergrowth immediately to the right of this junction is such that there is a blind spot for turning right towards the estate. As someone who has lived here for 38 years I know that the only safe way is to stop at the junction, wait 2/3 seconds to see if anything in the blind spot appears and only then proceed. For someone new coming up to this junction they could very easily look, see nothing and pull out only for something to then to appear and I do believe that this is responsible for some of the near misses that I and many other residents have experienced. (Not discounting the fact that impatience and downright bad driving account for many more). My solution to this situation would be to pave a narrow area next to the road so there is always a clear line of sight from the junction to the outermost part of the curve, bearing in mind that as a driver you are naturally positioned some way back from the front of the car that you do not want to have overhanging the junction. I do not want to see wholesale cutting back of the growth there, as it can only benefit the environment so as long as the road on one side and the foot / cycle path on the other are clear I would not want to see it go any further. Kind regards, John Humphreys

  5. Iain Roberts says:

    Jerry – that may be down to your browser – it doesn’t appear light blue to me. Unfortunately, I can’t change the colours though.

    John – I agree. We’ve proposed this to Highways England and they’ve said they’re looking at it. We’ll keep on pressing them.

  6. Mike and Sandra george says:

    Good news about the slip road exit improvements, even though it takes some mithering to make things happen. Looking forward to clear vision when joining Kingsway; and especially the Kepp Clean road markings (when they arrive) which will make it safe to get into the inside lane for a Cheadle left hand turn at the traffic lights. Keep up the good work (mithering)!

  7. Pauline Bishop says:

    Hi Iain I am using Internet explorer.

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